Intune Music School was proud to have worked with Steinway Gallery Singapore, to organise a piano masterclass for Hwa Chong Institution's young pianists! This masterclass was conducted by the talented Low sisters, Low Shao Ying and Low Shao Suan, who are currently engaged as Yong Siew Toh Conservatory's accompanying pianists!
It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the young students to learn from these 2 great pianists, and we are proud to bring you the pictures for this event!
The beautiful Steinway Gallery at Palais Renaissance!

The lovely poster of the 2 twin sisters!

Steinway Gallery packed to the brim with at least 30 Hwa Chong students!

Ms. Low Shao Suan coaching one of the young students

Ms. Low Shao Ying and one of the young pianists

Ms. Low Shao Suan autographing the poster

Steinway Gallery, Low Sisters and Intune Music School!

Hwa Chong Institution students at Steinway Gallery!

Intune Music School is honoured to have been part of this masterclass at the prestigious Steinway Gallery, and we look forward to our next piano project in July, when Steinway Artist Chisato Kusunoki graces our shores and performs at LASALLE College of the Arts!
~ Intune Music School. Where Interest Becomes Inspiration!
Intune Music School