Future Growth of InTune Music School

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Today we had a long meeting regarding the future growth of our little music school. Over the past few months, response has been great from many of our friends and supporters, and also from various members of the public who have come in through word of mouth.

We appreciate everyone's help in building up our little music school, which has already achieved a certain stronghold of students, as well as developed a strong core group of performers. This would not have been possible without the help of our friends, families, as well as students alike.

Today was an important day because it marked a new phase in our music school's growth. It marked the beginning of our marketing plan, as well as the actual planned expansion of our little music school. Hopefully our little music school will no longer be little, but will be ready for the big boys by the end of next year!

So, everyone, just watch out for future developments, and remember this little catchphrase from us: "Are You In Tune?" ;-p

Lin Weiqiang, Aaron